Choosing an educational institution is a crucial decision for every individual, be it at the primary level or for graduation. Almost everyone in the urban world relies on the internet for making this decision, so your website should have certain powerful elements to set you apart from the competitors and position your company as a trustworthy brand.
Our team of experts effectively makes use of all the SEO strategies in order to enhance your visibility on the search engine results.
Our schools and institutes websites are designed in a way that allows multiple admins to effortlessly manage the website, send notes, post homework, and a lot more.
Since every institute is unique in its own way, we smartly highlight every point that differentiates your institute from your competitor’s, such as courses offered, distinguishing achievements, senior faculty details, and others.
With a team of experienced professionals, we create well-planned layouts, where all the information about your institute is displayed with clarity and the impact is augmented with the use of suitable color schemes, graphics, and imagery.
Endowed with the features such as multi-browser compatibility, quick page loads, and others, your website offers impeccable online experience to your visitors.
School Management System provides a better interaction between teachers, students and parents. On the whole, a good school management tool provides users access to relevant school information, and it permits users to access the information within few mouse clicks rather than investing entire day in searching for a record in the bunch of paper files. School management software is a large database system that is used for managing and stores your day to day school business.
We, at Scepterholders™ have been providing quality school management solutions to our customers for years. We believe that the school teachers, students, parents should and managements get relevant and vital information on a single screen. Additionally, we provide our clients with the best feature oriented solutions completely customized to their needs.
With Our Student Management software, student functions like parent’s information, admission, attendance, grading and discipline efficiently managed. Remember, data is entered only once and immediately available in customizable reports. Additionally, teachers can effortlessly view all accessible Student Records such as Parental Information, Emergency Contacts, and View Disciplinary Records and can update profile settings. Besides, educators can have access to View Timetable, View Exams Details, View Teacher Profile, Check Latest News and many more.
Using our software, School admin can send Email’s or SMS’s on the daily or scheduled basis through registered Sender ID. Besides, SMS’s can be sent through generating reports such as pending fee alerts, Student Attendance, stock availability, salary collection etc., as well. However, parents can View student profile, attendance records, exam details, School Calendar and events, etc.
School admin can maintain the records for Students, Parents, and Teachers, Staff members, etc, with the school management system. Also, this menu will help to maintain the admissions as well as enquiries at the school front desk, so management has real time information about the admissions or enquiries. Installing our school software brings better communication as well as removes the gap held among teachers, students, parents, staff, administration, etc.
With school management software, school administrators can maintain all the records related to students, teachers and Staff attendance. It will provide the complete attendance report for a given period of time that will calculate all the off-days, holidays and presents or absents, etc. In addition, school administrators can View students List, List/Manage student guardians, List Courses and Batches, Manage Departments, View Exam Assessments, Set Class timings and many other time consuming activities. Some of our major College/School ERP System include:
Today, computer technology has engaged more than 90% of human life, and the future generation such as students has to use technology in their every aspect of their life. However, introducing technology in their everyday life boosts their interest and activeness, so that they can easily learn, grow or be competent enough. Scepterholders™ provides access to all information associated with academics and administration at one place. In addition, communication or sharing knowledge with teachers, staff and peers can happen with no trouble. Some of our major college portal services include: There are many feature of our School/College management system like:
Web based school management system from Scepterholders™ help companies, organization and educational institutions train their employees and students to work smarter as well as more efficient than ever before.
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